Our Statement of the Faith

  • 1

    We believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, without errors in the original text, and are the perfect revelation of God's will for human salvation, and the absolute authority of God for all faiths and lives.

  • 2

    We believe that God, the Creator of all things, is one, infinitely perfect, and eternally in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • 3

    We believe that Jesus Christ, who is truly God and truly man, was conceived and born of the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. He died on the cross as a substitute for our sins according to the prophecies of the Bible. Furthermore, we believe that He died and rose again physically, ascended to heaven, and is now at the right hand of God, serving as our High Priest and Spokesman.

  • 4

    We believe that the work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, to convict man of sin, to be born again by faith, and to indwell, guide, teach, and empower the born-again believer to lead a godly life and a life of service.

  • 5

    We believe that human beings were created in the image of God, but fell into sin and perished. Only through the rebirth of the Holy Spirit can we be saved and live a spiritual life.

  • 6

    We believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection are the only grounds for righteousness and salvation for all who believe, and that only those who receive Jesus Christ are born again by the Holy Spirit and become children of God.

  • 7

    We believe that Baptism and the Lord's Supper are sacraments to be observed by the church during the present age, but the sacraments themselves are not the means of salvation.

  • 8

    We believe that the true church is made up of all those who have been saved through faith in Jesus Christ and are born again of the Holy Spirit, and are all united and united in the body of Christ, who is the head of the church.

  • 9

    We believe that members of the true church should become members of the local church.

  • 10

    We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and head of the church, and we believe that every church should determine its work under the rule of Christ.

  • 11

    We believe that at any time our Lord Jesus Christ will come again from heaven to establish and rule his kingdom, and we believe that this “blessed hope” has a decisive influence on the life and service of believers.

  • 12

    We believe that even if those who believe die, they will rise again and enjoy eternal blessings and joy with the Lord, and that those who do not believe will face judgment and eternal punishment.


김동수 목사

M.Div, Ph.D.

이윤석 목사

Th.M, D.Min.

한충희 목사

서울 온누리교회 TIM 본부장


​콜롬비아 대학교 교수
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