Right Doctrine True Faith

St Paul Academy of Theology follows the Westminster Confession of Faith and is based on Reformed theology. PAT's vision is to serve the church of Jesus Christ by nurturing the future church leaders of the world with sound doctrines and theology.

What, then, is Reformed theology? It is a theological system based on the theology of the Reformers such as Calvin and Zwingli, and it comprises the theology of theologians based on Calvinism such as Martin Bucer, Heinrich Bullinger, Theodore Beza, etc. The hallmark of Reformed theology is faith in God's sovereignty, the belief that our salvation is based entirely on God's grace. Because of Adam's original sin, his descendants lost the will and ability to seek and achieve God's righteousness and goodness. They became in enmity with God and fell in a situation where they had no choice but to be destroyed forever. However, under the plan of redemption, God made His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, incarnate, and accomplish atonement on the cross, and called the elect chosen before the foundation of the world through proclamation of the gospel. This calling is an effective calling as fulfilled through the Holy Spirit. When we hear the word of the gospel, the Holy Spirit comes into us and gives us the strength to receive it. And He enables us to confess our faith and be justified before God. And on the basis of this justification, we will achieve progressive sanctification in the Holy Spirit and live the life of holiness. True believers who genuinely believe in Jesus do not lose faith despite tribulation and trials on this earth based on the strength given by the Holy Spirit, endure to the end, and die and reach glory. And when Jesus comes again, they will be resurrected and enter the New Jerusalem that God prepared to enjoy eternal life.

Educating and nurturing spiritual leaders with orthodox Reformed beliefs is an important and urgent task in this age of heretics and false teachers. To this end, God started St Paul Academy of Theology and made it possible for pastors, professors, and members of the same mind to work together. In addition, I hope that many brothers and sisters with the same mind will participate in our vision of teaching and keeping the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ in our time.